The Kalbfleisch Dock

Figure 3A:  The Colpoy's Bay village shoreline, looking west towards the Kalbfleisch dock.  (Top taken in the Mid to Late 1930's; Second image taken in 2023. Bottom two images taken in 1998).

The images of Figure 3A show the view of the Kalbfleisch dock, as seen from the former land of Whicher's Mill.  Contrast the top image of Figure 3A with the second photograph just below. The first, from the early 1930's, displays the original Kalbfleisch dock along with three boats. The dock, as well as the boats, were constructed by the skillful hand of my great-grandfather Edwin Kalbfleisch. The original Kalbfleisch dock was shortened over time by winter ice flows on the bay, but it remained in general use until the mid-late 1980's when it was replaced by a much shorter dock.

Large stones taken from the area served as the foundation of the Kalbfleisch dock. Today, those that underlied to long end of the original dock remain submerged under the cool water of the Bay. They do become visible from time to time when the water level drops sufficiently low. The first image in Figure 3A shows an example of this, where the stones appear as a black line on just above the water line.

Also notable in Figure 3A is Spragge's Hill (visible where the road disappears toward the horizon). The Kalbfleisch house is clearly visible in the bottom photo toward the right.

Last Updated on Monday, August 28, 2023


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Postcards From the Bay was launched April 14, 2000


© Copyright 2000 - 2025 Christopher R. Graham