I've included this page to share with you the major sources of information I have found and used in writing this website, along with other documents of note that are related to Wiarton or Colpoy's Bay.
Note that historical documents occasionally include conflicting and/or erroneous material. However, in writing this site I have endevoured to cross-check my facts so as to validate them from more than one reliable source. That said, all content on "Postcards from the Bay" is be subject to revision. My research is ongoing and the possibility always exists that new facts may come to light.
Of course, if you have another source that you would like to share that I have not listed here, feel free to contact me using the email link in the menu to the left.
A: Colpoy's Bay
A1. Albemarle Township Historical Society (D. Crocker, ed.) "Albemarle: A History of the Township", Wiarton: Echo Graphics and Printing, 1991.
A2. Gatis, Sheila. "Days of the 'Mud Hen' and Other Memories of Colpoy's Bay Village", Wiarton: Echo Graphics, 1986.
Reprinted copies can be obtained by contacting:
Sheila Gatis
248 Bruce Road 9, Ontario
N0H 2T0
(519) 534-5645
B: Wiarton:
B1. Curtis, Andrea. "Into the Blue: Family Secrets and the Search for a Great Lakes Shipwreck", Toronto: Random House, 2003.
B2. Gatis, Sheila, ed. "Wiarton: 1880 - 1980", Wiarton: Wiarton Echo Publishing Ltd., 1980.
B3. Gilbert, Raymond. "When Time was a Little Slower", Dundas, Ont.: R. Gilbert, 2003.
B4. Johnston, Thomas, ed. "Historical Review of Wiarton and the Bruce Peninsula", Wiarton: 160th Battalion Reunion Committee, 1936.
B5. Millison, Carl. "Businesses, Manufacturers, Merchants and Tradesmand Financial Condition for Bruce County, Ontario: 1902", Publisher: C. Millison, 2003.
B6. Morrison, Debbie. "Flowers of Heaven: A Family's Story of Love and Loss on Colpoy's Bay", Self-pubished, 2024.
B7. Sims, James Percy and E. Preston. "History of Wiarton and District", Wiarton: E. Preston, 1961.
B8. The Wiarton Canadian newspaper [microfilm], published from 1893 until 1911 when it merged with the Wiarton Echo.
B9. Wiarton Canadian. "The Wiarton Canadian souvenir of Wiarton and vicinity, Hepworth and Shallow Lake", Wiarton: Wiarton Canadian, 1902.
B10. The Wiarton Echo newspaper [microfilm], published July 4, 1879 and on. (Note that between 1911 and 1941, following a merger with a rival paper, the Echo was known as the Canadian Echo. The name Wiarton Echo has been used again since 1941.)
C: General Information
C1. Cowan, Alan Wood. "The Canadian White Pine Trade with the United Kingdom, 1867-1914" M. A. Thesis, Carleton University, 4 May 1966.
C2. Fox, Sherwood W. "The Bruce Beckons", Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1952.
C3. MacDowell, Laurel Sefton. "An Environmental History of Canada", Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012.
C4. McLeod, Norman, "The History of the County of Bruce and Minor Municipalities Therein: 1907 - 1968", Owen Sound: Bruce County Historical Society, 1969.
C5. Robertson, Norman."The History of the County of Bruce and the Minor Municipalities Therein", Toronto: William Briggs, 1906.
D: Miscellaneous
I have made extensive use of the services provided by Library and Archives Canada (formerly the National Library of Canada and the National Archives of Canada) as well as the National Air Photo Library, all in Ottawa, Ontario.
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